2017.08-2021.02 挪威科技大学,机械与工业工程专业,获博士学位
2019.01-2019.07 伍伦贡大学,学术交流
2014.09-2017.06 中国石油大学(北京),安全科学与工程专业,获硕士学位
2022.03-2023.02 智能多维数据研究分析中心(香港),博士后
2021.06-2022.02 香港城市大学,先进制造与系统工程系,博士后
2021.02-2021.06 挪威科技大学,机械与工业工程,研究员
1.Zhang AB, Zhang TL, Barros A, Liu YL. Optimization of maintenances following proof tests for the final element of a safety-instrumented system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2020, 196: 106779.
2.Zhang AB, Srivastav H, Barros A, Liu YL. Study of testing and maintenance strategies for redundant final elements in SIS with imperfect detection of degraded state. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020: 107393.
3.Zhang AB, Barros A, Liu YL. Performance analysis of redundant safety-instrumented systems subject to degradation and external demands, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2019, 62.
4.Zhang AB, Wu SN, Fan DM, Xie M, Cai BP, Liu YL. Adaptive testing policy for multistate systems with application to the degrading final elements in safety-instrumented systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022:108360.
5.Zhang AB, Hao SH, Li P, Xie M, Liu YL. Performance modeling for condition-based activation of the redundant safety system subject to harmful tests. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022: 108649.
6.Zhang AB, Hao SH, Xie M, Liu YL, Yu HS. Inspection and maintenance optimization for heterogeneity units in redundant structure with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Ⅲ, ISA Transactions.
7.Zhang, AB, Yin, ZY, Wu, ZY, Xie, M., Liu, YL, & Yu, HS (2023). Investigation of the compressed air energy storage (CAES) system utilizing systems-theoretic process analysis (STPA) towards safe and sustainable energy supply. Renewable Energy.
8.Zhang AB, Liu YL, Chapter: Performance evaluation of digitalized safety barriers, in Methods in Chemical Process Safety, edited by Faisal Khan, Valerio Cozzani, and Genserik Reniers, Elseiver, 2022.
9.Li, P, Maged, A., Zhang AB, Xie, M, Dang, W, & Lyu, CM. An adaptive prognostics method based on a new health index via data fusion and diffusion process. Measurement, 2022: 110968.
10.Fan DM, Zhang AB, Feng Q, Cai BP, Liu YL, Ren Y. Group maintenance optimization of subsea Xmas trees with stochastic dependency. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021: 107450.
Wang YK, Liu YL, Zhang AB. Preventive maintenance optimization for repairable products considering two-dimensional warranty and customer satisfaction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2018.