中国能源学会专家委员会委员、IEEE会员、IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会动力电池技术分委会理事、广东省佛山市青年科学家协会理事、中国电工技术学会高级会员及青年工作委员会委员、电工技术学会-科普传播专家、Viser专家库(VE)机械工程专业委员会、中国氢能燃料电池百人会会员、中国汽车工程学会会员及青年委员会会员、中国机械工程学会、中国颗粒学会会员、中国公路学会会员、海南省检测认证学会监事。担任ICTIS 2021(国际交通信息与安全会议)学术委员会委员和分会场主席、CEVVE 2023(2023 International Conference on Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering)技术委员会委员、EVS 34 & ICEIV 2021(第34届世界电动汽车大会)分会场主席等职务。
2008.09-2012.06 青岛大学,yl23455永利官网,获学士学位
2012.09-2015.06 青岛大学,机电工程学院,获硕士学位
2015.09-2020.07 北京理工大学,机械与车辆学院,获博士学位
2017.10-2019.08 韦恩州立大学(美国),工程学院,博士联合培养
2021.06-至今 yl23455永利官网,车辆工程系,副教授
2020.07-至今 yl23455永利官网,车辆工程系,鼎新博士后
2020.08-2021.06 yl23455永利官网,车辆工程系,特聘副教授
[1]洪吉超著. 动力电池运行安全大数据分析与应用. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2023.3. 新能源汽车关键技术研发系列)ISBN 978-7-111-72607-4. 中国国家版本馆CIP数据核字(2023)第027505号.
[2]Jichao Hong*, Zhenpo Wang, Xinyang Zhang, et, al. Collision-Caused Thermal Runaway Investigationof Li-ion Battery in Real-World Electric Vehicles. Applied Thermal Engineering. October 31, 2023. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1, TOP)
[3]Jichao Hong, Kerui Li, Haixu Yang, et, al. A Novel State of Health Prediction Method for Battery System in Real-world Vehicles Based on Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Networks. Energy, Article accepted for publication 5 Dec 2023. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[4]Jichao Hong, Tiezhu Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Hongxin Zhang. Investigation of Energy Management Strategy for a Novel Electric-Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle: Self-Adaptive Electric-Hydraulic Ratio. Energy. 2023: 127582. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[5]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Changhui Qu, et, al. Investigation on Overcharge-caused Thermal Runaway of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Real-world Electric Vehicles. Applied Energy. 2022, 321(5):119229. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP)
[6]Jichao Hong, Huaqin Zhang, et, al. Thermal Fault Prognosis of lithium-ion Batteries in Real-world Electric Vehicles Using Self-Attention Mechanism Networks. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023: 120304. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1, TOP, ESI高被引)
[7]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Fei Ma, et al. Thermal Runaway Prognosis of Battery Systems Using the Modified Multi-Scale Entropy in Real-World Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2021, 7(4): 2269-2278. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1, TOP)
[8]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, Leyi Wang, et, al. Online Accurate State of Health Estimation for Battery Systems on Real-World Electric Vehicles with Variable Driving Conditions Considered. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 294: 125814. (IF= 11.072, JCR Q1, TOP,ESI高被引)
[9]Jichao Hong, Fei Ma, et, al. A novel mechanical-electric-hydraulic power coupling electric vehicle considering different electrohydraulic distribution ratios. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021, 249: 114870. (IF= 11.533, JCR Q1, TOP)
[10]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, and Yongtao Yao. Fault prognosis of battery system based on accurate voltage abnormity prognosis using long short-term memory neural networks. Applied Energy, 2019, 251: 113381. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP, ESI高被引)
[11]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, Yongtao Yao. Synchronous multi-parameter prediction of battery systems on electric vehicles using long short-term memory networks. Applied Energy, 2019, 254: 113648. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP)
[12]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Tiezhu Zhang, et, al. Research on Integration Simulation and Balance Control of A Novel Load Isolated Pure Electric Driving System. Energy, 2019, 189: 116220. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[13]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang*, Changhui Qu*, et, al. Fault Prognosis and Isolation of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles Considering Real-Scenario Thermal Runaway Risks. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2023, 11(1): 88-99. (IF=5.462, JCR Q1)
[14]Jichao Hong*, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen and Leyi Wang. Multi-fault Synergistic Diagnosis of Battery Systems Based on the Modified Multi-scale Entropy for Electric Vehicles. International Journal of Energy Research. 2019, 43: 8350–8369. (IF= 5.164, JCR Q1, TOP)
[15]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang, Wen Chen, et, al. Online joint-prediction of multi-forward-step battery SOC using LSTM neural networks and multiple linear regression for real-world electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 30: 101459. (IF=9.4, JCR Q1)
[16]Jichao Hong, Zhenpo Wang and Peng Liu. Big-Data-Based Thermal runaway Prognosis of Battery Systems for Electric Vehicles. Energies. 2017, 10 (7):919. (IF=3.252, JCR Q2)
[17]Jichao Hong*. Hydrogen Safety for Hydrogen Energy Applications and Large-scale Commercialization. New Energy Exploitation and Application. 2022, 1(3).
[18]Jichao Hong*. Emerging Scientific and Technical Challenges and Developments in Key Power Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. Electronics, 2023, 12(13): 2958. (IF= 2.690, JCR Q2)
[19]Jichao Hong, Fegnwei Liang, Haixu Yang. Research progress, trends and prospects of big data technology for new energy power and energy storage system. Energy Reviews, 2023: 100036.
[20]Jichao Hong*, Haixu Yang, Fei Ma. Multi-forward-step Battery Voltage Prediction for Real-World Electric Vehicles Using Gated Recurrent Units. Journal of Energy Storage. Article accepted for publication on 17 Sep 2023. (IF= 9.4, JCR Q1)
[21]Jichao Hong*, Haixu Yang, Shitao Cui. Sensitivity Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Based on Fixed Frequency Impedance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Article accepted for publication on 17 Sep 2023. (IF= 7.2, JCR Q1, TOP)
[22]洪吉超*, 梁峰伟, 杨海旭, 李克瑞. 大数据驱动动力电池智能安全管理与控制方法研究. 汽车工程. 2023年3月24日接收录用.
[23]洪吉超*, 张昕阳, 等. 基于多熵融合的动力电池故障诊断与应用研究. 机械工程学报. 2023年2月2日接收录用.
[24]周洋捷, 王震坡, 洪吉超*, 等. 新能源汽车动力电池“过充电-热失控”安全防控技术研究综述. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(10): 112-135.
[25]山彤欣, 王震坡, 洪吉超*, 等. 新能源汽车动力电池“机械滥用-热失控”及其安全防控技术综述. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(14): 252-275.
[26]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et, al. Energy Management Strategy of a Novel Parallel Electric-Hydraulic Hybrid Electric Vehicle based on PPO-LSTM and Entropy Evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 403: 136800. (IF= 11.072, JCR Q1, TOP)
[27]Xinyang Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et, al. Fault diagnosis of real-scenario battery systems based on modified entropy algorithms. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023: 107079. (IF= 8.907, JCR Q1)
[28]Haixu Yang, Jichao Hong*, Fengwei Liang, et, al. Machine learning-based state of health prediction for battery systems in real-world electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023, 66: 107426. (IF= 8.907, JCR Q1).
[29]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et, al. Double deep Q-network guided energy management strategy of a novel electric-hydraulic hybrid electric vehicle. Energy. 2023: 126858. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[30]Jian Yang, Bo Liu, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*. Application of energy conversion and integration technologies based on electro-hydraulic hybrid power systems: A review. Energy Conversion and Management. 2022, 272: 116372. (IF= 11.533, JCR Q1, TOP)
[31]Jian Yang, Bo Liu, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*. Multi-parameter controlled mechatronics-electro-hydraulic power coupling electric vehicle based on active energy regulation. Energy, 2022: 125877. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[32]Lei Zhao, Jichao Hong*, Jiaping Xie, et, al. Investigation of local sensitivity for vehicle-oriented fuel cell stacks based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Energy, 2022: 125381. (IF=8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[33]Renzheng Li, Hui Wang, Haifeng Dai, Jichao Hong*, et, al. Accurate state of charge prediction for real-world battery systems using a novel dual-dropout-based neural network. Energy, 2022, 250: 123853. (IF=8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[34]Lei Zhao, Jichao Hong*, et, al. A novel pre-diagnosis method for health status of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack based on entropy algorithms. eTransportation, 2023: 100278. (IF= 11.9, JCR Q1, TOP)
[35]Renzheng Li, Jichao Hong*, Huaqin Zhang, et, al. Data-driven battery state of health estimation based on interval capacity for real-world electric vehicles. Energy, 2022: 124771. (IF=8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[36]Jian Yang, Tiezhu Zhang, Jichao Hong*, et al. Research on Driving Control Strategy and Fuzzy Logic Optimization of a Novel Mechatronics-Electro-Hydraulic Power Coupling Electric Vehicle. Energy, 2021: 121221. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[37]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Hong Jichao*, Hongxin Zhang and Jian Yang. Entropy-based torque control strategy of Mechanical–Electric–Hydraulic Power Coupling Vehicles. Control Engineering Practice. 2023, 133: 105437. (IF= 4.057, JCR Q1)
[38]Zhang Z, Zhang T, Hong J, et al. Energy management strategy of a novel electric–hydraulic hybrid vehicle based on driving style recognition. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. Accepted 28th November 2022. DOI: 10.1039/d2se01620f. (IF=6.813, JCR Q1)
[39]Zhenpo Wang, Jichao Hong, Peng Liu and Lei Zhang. Voltage Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis of Battery Systems Based on Entropy and Z-score for Electric Vehicles. Applied Energy. 2017, 196: 89-302. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP)
[40]Haixu Yang, Jichao Hong*. Automatic Parking Path Planning of Tracked Vehicle Based on improved A* and DWA algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2023, 9(1): 83-292. (IF= 6.519, JCR Q1)
[41]Huaqin Zhang, Jichao Hong*, Zhezhe Wang and Guodong Wu. State-Partial Accurate Voltage Fault Prognosis for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Self-Attention Networks. Energies. 2022, 15, 8458. (IF= 3.252, JCR Q2)
[42]张华钦,洪吉超*,陈德龙. 基于稀疏数据的电动汽车动力电池热故障预警. 汽车技术, 2022(11): 24-34.
[43]Yue Wang, Keqiang Li, Xiaohua Zeng*, Bolin Gao, Jichao Hong*. Energy Consumption Characteristics Based Driving Conditions Construction and Prediction for Hybrid Electric Buses Energy Management. Energy, 2022, 245: 123189. (IF= 8.857, JCR Q1, TOP)
[44]Haixu Yang, Jichao Hong*, Lingjun Wei, et, al. Collaborative Accurate Vehicle Positioning Based on Global Navigation Satellite System and Vehicle Network Communication. Electronics, 2022, 11(19): 3247. (IF= 2.690, JCR Q2)
[45]Zewen Meng, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang, et, al. Composite Braking Control Strategy of a Novel Electromechanical-hydraulic Coupling Driving Electric Vehicle. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. Doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2021.00480. (IF = 3.938, JCR Q1)
[46]Shanxiao Du, Jichao Hong*, Hongxin Zhang*, et, al. Research on Cavitation of the Rotating-Sleeve Distributing Flow System Considering Different Cam Groove Profiles. Energies, 2021, 14(8): 2139. (IF= 3.252, JCR Q2)
[47]Peng Lin, Peng Jin, Jichao Hong* and Zhenpo Wang*. Battery voltage and state of power prediction based on an improved novel polarization voltage mode. Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 2299-2308. (IF= 4.937, JCR Q2)
[48]Zhen Zhang, Tiezhu Zhang, Hong Jichao*, et, al. Energy Management Optimization of Master–Slave Hybrid Electric Vehicle under Rule-Based Control Strategy. Energy Technology, 2022, 10(10): 2200630. (IF= 4.149 , JCR Q1)
[49]Zhao L, Jichao Hong, Yuan H, et al. Dynamic Inconsistent Analysis and Diagnosis of Abnormal Cells Within a High-power Fuel Cell Stack. Electrochimica Acta, 2023: 142897. (IF= 6.6, JCR Q1, TOP)
[50]Yang Zhao, Peng Liu, Zhenpo Wang, Lei Zhang, Jichao Hong. Fault and defect diagnosis of battery for electric vehicles based on big data analysis methods. Applied Energy, 207 (2017): 354-362. (IF= 11.446, JCR Q1, TOP, ESI高被引)
主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然基金、中国博士后科学基金、佛山市科技创新产学研项目、汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室开放基金项目、汽车零部件先进制造技术教育部重点实验室开放课题、载运工具与装备教育部重点实验室开放课题、yl23455永利官网青年教师学科交叉项目、军工及校企合作等项目;作为技术骨干参与多项国家自然基金、国家重点研发计划和北京市科委专项计划等项目研究。近五年来发表SCI/EI论文80余篇(H指数19),4篇入选ESI高被引论文,申请发明专利40余项,出版专著2部,入选2023全球前2%顶尖科学家,作为单位第一参与人参编国家/行业标准3项。担任《工程科学学报》、《Energy Reviews》等期刊青年编委。担任80余个SCI/EI期刊审稿专家。
2023年10月 北京市科技新星-创新新星
2023年10月 斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家
2023年11月 首届国创中心企校协同创新大赛新能源汽车领域枣庄专项赛二等奖
2023年11月 第二届全国博士后创新创业大赛北京赛区优胜奖
2023年10月 中国汽车工程学会年会优秀青年论文
2023年 2月 中国产学研合作促进会产学研合作创新奖(个人奖)
2023年 2月 中华环境保护基金会能源与环境青年人才计划“能源与环境青年先锋”
2023年 9月 大湾区双碳论坛储能材料与技术分会优秀报告奖
2023年 5月 第二届“长江杯”全国动力电池系统集成及管理技术挑战赛决赛优秀奖
2022年11月 中国发明协会2022年度发明创业奖创新奖一等奖
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2021年10月 中国汽车工程学会优秀博士论文
2022年11月 全国“数字汽车”大赛创新组一等奖
2022年11月 全国“数字汽车”大赛创新组三等奖
2021年11月 全国“数字汽车”大赛创新组二等奖
2021年11月 全国“数字汽车”大赛创业组三等奖
2022年 8月 江苏省第十四批科技镇长团“荣誉团员”
2021年12月 MDPI 2021 Excellent Reviewer Award (优秀审稿人奖)
2021年10月 The Best Reviewer Award (ICTIS 2021)
2021年 6月 The Excellent Paper Award (EVS 34 & ICIEV 2021)