2012.09-2016.12 清华大学机械工程系 工学博士
2015.04-2016.01 麻省理工学院机械工程系, 访问学生
2013.12-2014.01 韩国高等科学技术学院机械工程系 访问学生
2009.09-2013.05 合肥工业大学材料科学与工程学院 工学硕士
2005.09-2009.06 合肥工业大学材料科学与工程学院 工学学士
2017.07-2019.06 yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网 教师博士后
2017.07-2022.06 yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网 讲师
2022.07 - 至 今 yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网 副教授
[1]Zhijun Chen, Lingyun Qian*, Baoping Ji, Yan Liang, Huiqiang Zhen, Qingdong Zhang*. Investigation into thermodynamic behavior of LA103Z MgLi alloy during turning based on modified Johnson-Cook model, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 87:260-272.
[2]Zhijun Chen, Lingyun Qian*, Ruikang Cui, Jisheng Liu, Qingdong Zhang*. Machining-induced residual stress analysis and multi-objective optimization for milling process of Mg-Li alloy, Measurement, 2022, 204:112127.
[3]Lingyun Qian*, Zhengguo Cui, Chaoyang Sun, Shuai Geng, Zhihui Sun. Investigation of deformation compatibility and power consumption during KOBO extrusion of bimetallic composite tube. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 118:3477-3486.
[4]Xitong Li, Lingyun Qian*, Jingdong Sun, Wanting Ji, Nanyang Zhu, Chaoyang Sun. A non-sequential isothermal local-loading forming process for large-scale rib-web components, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 79(5):666-677.
[5]Lingyun Qian*, Wanting Ji, Chaoyang Sun, Gang Fang, Junhe Lian. Prediction of edge fracture during hole-flanging of advanced high-strength steel considering blanking pre-damage, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 248:107721.
[6]Xitong Li, Lingyun Qian*, Chaoyang Sun*, Weipeng Ning. The effect of loading mode on isothermal local loading forming of magnesium alloy rib-web component, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 114(7):2485–2497.
[8]Zexing Su, Chaoyang Sun*, Mingjia Wang, Lingyun Qian*, Xintong Li. Modeling of microstructure evolution of AZ80 magnesium alloy during hot working process using a unified internal state variable method, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022,10(1):281-294.
[10]Yun Cai, Chaoyang Sun*, Yulan Li*, Shenyang Hu, Nanyang Zhu, Erin I Barker, Lingyun Qian. Phase field modeling of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization in hot deformation of magnesium alloys, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 133:102773.
[13]Feifan Li, Gang Fang*, Lingyun Qian. Forming limit analysis of Mg-2Zn-1.2Al-0.2Ca-0.2RE alloy sheet using ductile fracture models, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2020, 29(8):1181-1198.
[15]Lixiao Wang, Gang Fang*, Lingyun Qian. Modeling of dynamic recrystallization of magnesium alloy using cellular automata considering initial topology of grains, Materials Science and Engineering:A, 2018, 711:268-283.
[16]Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pan Zeng, Modeling of the ductile fracture during the sheet forming of aluminum alloy considering non-associated constitutive characteristic, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2017, 126:55-66.
[17]Lingyun Qian*, Marcelo Paredes, Tomasz Wierzbicki, Yannik Sparrer, Martin Feuerstein, Pan Zeng, Gang Fang, Experimental and numerical study on shear-punch test of 6060 T6 extruded aluminum profile, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2016, 118:205-218.
[18]Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pan Zeng, Qian Wang, Experimental and numerical investigations into the ductile fracture during the forming of flat-rolled 5083-O aluminum alloy sheet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 220:264-275.
[19]Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pang Zeng, Lixiao Wang. Correction of flow stress and determination of constitutive constants for hot working of API X100 pipeline steel, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2015, 132:43-51.
[20]Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pang Fang. Three-dimensional finite element analysis for flying shearing of X100 hot-rolled steel plate, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 81:2488-2493.
[3]钱凌云,马腾云,安鹏,孙朝阳,纪婉婷.一种板材压剪断裂分析试样用夹具及其方法和试样. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN111665127B
[4]钱凌云,李昕童,孙朝阳,苏泽兴,孙志辉,蔡贇.一种镁合金带筋筒形件强塑变挤压成形装置及方法. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201810287671.9
[5]钱凌云,程兰月,孙志辉,孙朝阳,李月敏.一种镁/铝合金双金属复合管成形方法及模具. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201811378028.3
[6]孙朝阳,李广东,钱凌云,孙志辉,李昕童.一种扭-挤复合强塑变成形方法及工艺装置. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201810473725.0
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