2002.09-2006.07 重庆大学 yl23455永利官网,获学士学位
2006.09-2012.07 重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室,获博士学位
2009.09-2011.09 英国南安普顿大学(University of Southampton,UK),声学与振动研究所(ISVR),国家公派联合培养博士生
2012.10-2017.10 yl23455永利官网 国家板带中心/协同创新中心,讲师/副教授
2017.11-2022.06 yl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网,副教授
2022.07-至今 ayl23455永利官网 yl23455永利官网,教授
2019.07-2020.02 a英国巴斯大学(University of Bath,UK), 国家公派访问学者
[1] Xiao H F, Li Z D, Zhang J J, Zhang X, Wang L M, Khanbareh H, Chris Bowen. Mathematic modeling of vibration transmission path with discontinuous contact interfaces for gear dynamics in the gear-shaft-bearing-housing system. Measurement, 2024, 226: 114054.
[2] 邵毅敏,陈再刚,肖会芳,刘静. 齿轮传动系统非线性动力学理论,科学出版社,2023.
[3] Xiao H F, Gao J S, Xing Z. A novel analytical method for mesh stiffness calculation of helical gears with tooth profile modification. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2023, 45:458.
[4] Xiao H F, Liu Z X, Zhang J J. Non-linear dynamic characteristics of high-speed wheel-rail interface considering surface topography and liquid medium. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibrations, 2023, 28(3): 288-299.
[5] Xiao H F, Pan M, Chu H Y J, Bowen C R, Bader S, Aranda J, Zhu M L. Hydraulic pressure ripple energy harvesting: structures, materials and applications. Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12(3): 2103185.
[6] Xiao H F, Gao J S, Wu J Z. Mesh stiffness model of a spur gear pair with surface roughness in mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2022, 44: 136.
[7] 吴嘉州,肖会芳*,杨德斌. 齿轮粗糙界面时变啮合刚度算法与特性分析. 振动、测试与诊断, 2022, 42(1) : 56-61.
[8] Xiao H F, Qie H T, Bowen C R. Modeling of the circular edge-clamped interface of a hydraulic pressure energy harvester to determine power, efficiency and bandwidth. Mechanical systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 146: 107013.
[9] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y, Xu J W. Slip damping of a press-fit joint under non-uniform pressure distribution along the interface. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2020, 15 (3): 307–323.
[10] Sun Y Y, Chuang H-C, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. Prediction of the normal contact stiffness between rough surfaces in lubricated contact via an equivalent thin layer. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2020, 26(21–22): 2060–2069.
[11] Xiao H F, Chen D, Guo S F, Xu J W. Defects identification using the improved ultrasonic measurement model and support vector machines. NDT & E International, 2020, 111: 102223.
[12] Sun Y Y, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. Contact stiffness ratio of tribological interface using the equivalent thin layer and the micro-slip model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(2): 444–456.
[13] Sun Y Y, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. Investigation into the interfacial stiffness ratio of stationary contacts between rough surfaces using an equivalent thin layer. International Journal of Mechanics and Sciences, 2019, 163, 105147.
[14] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y. On the normal contact stiffness and contact resonance frequency of rough surface contact based on asperity micro-contact statistical models. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2019, 75, 450-460.
[15] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y, Chen Z G. Fractal modeling of normal contact stiffness for rough surface contact considering the elastic-plastic deformation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,2019,41:11
[16] Chen D, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. An improved Richardson-Lucy iterative algorithm for C-scan image restoration and inclusion size measurement. Ultrasonics, 2019, 91:103-113.
[17] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y. An improved virtual material based acoustic model for contact stiffness measurement of rough interface using ultrasound technique. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 155: 240-247.
[18] Sun Y Y, Xiao H F*, Xu J W, Yu W N. Study on the normal contact stiffness of the fractal rough surface in mixed lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018,232 (12): 1604-1617.
[19] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y, Xu J W. Investigation into the normal contact stiffness of rough surface in line contact mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Tribology Transactions, 2018, 61(4): 742-753.
[20] 肖会芳,孙韵韵,陈再刚. 考虑热效应的滚滑并存线接触粗糙界面的摩擦能量耗散特性研究. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38 (5): 229-236.
[1] 2023年获中国振动工程学会科学技术二等奖(排名2)
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[3] 2022年获北京市教育教学成果奖一等奖
[4] 2022《Advanced Energy Materials》封面论文(IF:29.368)
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