1997.09-2001.07 中国矿业大学机电学院机械工程及自动化专业,获学士学位
2001.09-2004.07 中国矿业大学机电学院机械工程专业,获硕士学位
2004.09-2008.06 yl23455永利官网机械设计及理论专业,获博士学位
2008.07-2015.07 yl23455永利官网,讲师
2015.07-至今 yl23455永利官网,副教授
2017.12-2018.11 美国欧道明大学,访问学者
1、Dongmei Zhu,Feng Ding,Haiping Liu,Mechanical property analysis of disc spring,Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,2018,40(4):230
2、ZHU Dong-mei,LIU Guo-yong,ZHANG Shao-jun,Flow Uniformity of Roller-Type Quenching Machine,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2010.7.01,17(7):24~27
3、Zhu, Dong-Mei,Liu, Guo-Yong,Zhang, Shao-Jun,Li, Mou-Wei,Study of New On-Line Pre-Hardening Technology of 3Cr2NiMo Plastic Die Steel,Steel Research International,2013.6.01,84(6):607~6123
4、Zhu, D. M. ,Liu, G. Y.,Zhang, S. J.,Li, M. W.,Study on online prehardening process of large 3Cr2Mo die steel,Ironmaking and Steelmaking,2014.6.01,41(5):329~334
5、Zhu D M ,Wang Y T,Zhu J H,Heat transfer characteristics of multinozzle air impingement jet during die steel plate coolingprogress,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2015.2.01,7(2):1~4
6、Dongmei Zhu,Feng Ding,Haiping Liu,Mechanical property analysis of disc spring,Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,2018,40(4):230
7、Zhu, Dongmei ,Liu, Guoyong,Zhang, Shaojun,Numerical simulation research of aerosol cooling,2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials,Sanya, China,2012.11.24-2012.11.25
8、Zhu, Dongmei ,Liu, Guoyong,Zhang, Shaojun,Cooling process of die steel during on-line pre-hardening,2nd International Symposium on Advanced Rolling Equipment Technologies,Beijing,2012.4.7-2012.4.9
9、Zhu, Dongmei ,Liu, Guoyong,Zhang, Shaojun,Zhu, Qishen,Yang,Jie,Study on transverse cooling uniformity in controlled cooling process of copper plate,2011 International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering,Guangzhou,2011.9.16-2011.9.18
10、Zhu, Dong Mei ,Zhang, Shao Jun,Liu, Guo Yong,Deformation control in wear-resistant steel quenching process,2011 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering,Phuket, Thailand,2011.4.3-2011.4.4
11、Zhu, Dongmei ,Liu, Guoyong,Zhang, Shaojun,Zhu, Qishen,Transverse deformation control in low alloy wear-resistant steel quenching process, International Symposium on Advanced Rolling Equipment Technologies,Taiyuan, China,2010.9.23-2010.9.24