1979.09-1983.07 东北重型机械学院轧钢机械专业,获学士学位
1986.09-1989.01 北京钢铁学院冶金机械专业,获硕士学位
1986.06-1990.07 北京钢铁学院机械系,助教
1990.07-1991.07 北京钢铁学院机械系,讲师
1991.07-1996.07 yl23455永利官网,副教授
1996.07-至今 yl23455永利官网,教授
1. Mu L, Jia Z, Ma Z W, Shen F H, Sun Y K, Zang Y*. A theoretical prediction framework for the construction of a fracture forming limit curve accounting for fracture pattern transition[J]. International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 129: 102706.
2.Li X, Zang Y*, Lian Y. An interface shear damage model of chromium coating/steel substrate under thermal erosion load[J]. Defence Technology, 2020.
3.Li X, Zang Y*, Mu L. Erosion analysis of machine gun barrel and lifespan prediction under typical shooting conditions[J]. Wear, 2019, 444-445: 203177.
4.Li X, Mu L, Zang Y*. Study on performance degradation and failure analysis of machine gun barrel[J]. Defence Technology, 2019.
5.黄金磊, 臧勇, 郜志英, 曾令强. 热轧过程中摩擦系数非对称性对轧机振动及稳定性的影响[J]. 工程科学学报, 2019, 41(11): 1465-472.
6.Guan B , Zhang C , Zang Y , et al. Model for the Whole Roller Leveling Process of Plates with Random Curvature Distribution Based on the Curvature Integration Method[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 32(1).
7.Guan B , Zang Y , Yang F , et al. Thermomechanical Coupling Model for a Stainless Steel-Clad Plate on Heat Treatment[J]. Strength of Materials, 2019, 51(1):40-55.
8.Mu L, Zang Y*, Wang Y, Li X L, Stemler P M A. Phenomenological uncoupled ductile fracture model considering different void deformation modes for sheet metal forming[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 141: 408-423.
9.贾哲, 穆磊, 臧勇*.金属塑性成形中的韧性断裂微观机理及预测模型的研究进展[J].工程科学学报,2018,40(12):1454-1467.
10.Wang Y , Guan B , Mu L , et al. Equivalent Tensile Properties Analysis of the Dimpled Sheet[J]. Journal of Failure Analysis & Prevention, 2018,18:791-798.
11.Guan B, Zang Y, Han X, et al. Cold-Rolled Strip Steel Stress Detection Technology Based on a Magnetoresistance Sensor and the Magnetoelastic Effect. Sensors, 2018, 18(5).
12.Guan B , Chen B Y , Zang Y , et al. Prediction of a High Temperature Bonding Condition at the Interface for the Hot-Rolled Stainless Steel Clad Plate on Rolling[J]. Strength of Materials, 2018, 50(2).
13.王远, 臧勇, 杨晓莹. 蛋盒型结构参数对压缩特性影响规律研究[J]. 塑性工程学报, 2018, 25(01):206-211.
14.王远, 臧勇, 管奔,等. 基于单胞有限元的波纹板等效刚度特性 [J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 044(006):1230-1238.
15.Guan B , Zang Y , Wu D , et al. Stress-inheriting behavior of H-beam during roller straightening process[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 244:253-272.
16.Mu L, Wang Y, Zang Y*, Stemler P M A. Edge fracture prediction using uncoupled ductile fracture models for DP780 sheet[J]. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2017, 17(2): 321-329.
17.Mu L, Zang Y*, Li X L, Stemler P M A. A Micromechanically-motivated Phenomenological Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture Initiation[J]. Procedia engineering, 2017, 207: 2054-2059.
18.穆磊,臧勇*,Araujo Stemler Pedro Malaquias.一个基于孔洞演化机制的韧性断裂预测模型[J].工程科学学报,2017,39(04):557-566.
19.臧勇, 王远, 秦勤,等. 基于渐进变分法的蛋盒型结构等效刚度分析及优化[J]. 工程科学学报, 2017, 039(009): 1386-1395.
20.王远, 臧勇, 李小龙. 蛋盒型结构成形过程数值模拟研究[J]. 锻压技术, 2017(10):57-62.
21.刘晓潺, 臧勇*, 郜志英, 曾令强 等. 多方向耦合振动连轧机再生颤振建模及应用[J]. 中南大学学报 (自然科学版), 2017, 48(3): 636-642.
22.张超, 臧勇, 管奔,等. 基于曲率积分的双金属复合板辊式矫直过程解析[J]. 浙江大学学报:工学版, 2017(8).
23.Zeng L, Zang Y*, Gao Z. Hopf bifurcation control for rolling mill multiple-mode-coupling vibration under nonlinear friction[J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 139(6): 061015.
24.Huang J, Zang Y*, Gao Z, et al. Influence of asymmetric structure parameters on rolling mill stability[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(7):4840-4853.
25. Liu X, Zang Y*, Gao Z. Rolling mill chatter mechanism based on the unsteady lubrication performance[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(3):1569-1584.
26.Fu K, Zang Y*, Gao Z. Non-linear dynamics of inlet film thickness during unsteady rolling process[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 29(3): 522-530.
27.Zeng L, Zang Y*, Gao Z. Multiple-modal-coupling modeling and stability analysis of cold rolling mill vibration[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2016: 2347386.
28.Kang H, Shan Z, Zang Y*, et al. Effect of Yarn Distortion on the Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Bar Composites Reinforced by Three-Dimensional Weaving, Applied Composite Materials, 2016, 23(2):119-138.
29.Kang H, Shan Z, Zang Y*, et al. Effect of Yarn Distortion on the Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Bar Composites Reinforced by Three-Dimensional Weaving, Applied Composite Materials, 2016, 23(2):119-138.
30.Liu X, Zang Y*, Gao Z, et al. Time Delay Effect on Regenerative Chatter in Tandem Rolling Mills[J]. Shock & Vibration, 2016, 4025650.
31.Zeng L, Zang Y*, Gao Z, Effect of rolling process parameters on stability of rolling mill vibration with nonlinear friction, Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016,18(2): 1288-1306.
32.管奔, 臧勇, 秦勤,等. 基于H型钢残余应力主动控制的矫直工艺设计[J]. 工程科学学报, 2016, 038(001):P.128-134.
33.张超, 臧勇, 管奔,等. 双金属复合板矫直过程的弯曲及弹复解析[J]. 工程科学学报, 2016, 038(009):P.1317-1326.
34.郜志英, 臧勇*, 曾令强. 轧机颤振建模及理论研究进展[J]. 机械工程学报, 2015,51(16): 87-112.
35.曾令强, 臧勇*, 郜志英,. 刘晓潺. 轧机整体耦合建模问题研究[J], 机械工程学报. 2015, 51(14): 46-53
36.Guan B , Zang Y , Chen B , et al. Study on computer aided inspected point planning based on human-computer interaction[J]. Journal of Computational Methods in sciences and Engineering, 2015, 15(3):569-583.
37.Zeng L, Zang Y*, Gao Z, et al, Stability analysis of the rolling mill multiple-modal-coupling vibration under nonlinear friction. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2015, 17(6):2824-2836.
38.Zeng Q, Zang Y*, Qin Q, The effect of roll with passive segment on the planetary rolling process. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(2).
39.管奔, 王亚飞, 臧勇. 双金属复合板的拉伸回弹特性研究[J]. 中国石油大学学报:自然科学版, 2015(2).
40.臧勇, 赵泽波, 秦勤, 于洋. 奥氏体晶粒尺寸对工艺参数的灵敏度方程及应用,浙江大学学报(工学版),2015,49(4):662-669
41.Fu K, Zang Y*, Gao Z, Partial Film Lubrication Characteristics of Inlet Zone in Cold Strip Rolling. Journal of Tribology, 2014, 136(4)::1203-1210
42.付括, 臧勇*, 郜志英. 冷轧过程中的混合润滑特性[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 35(7): 1005-1009
43.付括, 臧勇*, 郜志英. 轧制界面非稳态流体润滑轧制特性研究[J]. yl23455永利官网学报, 2014, 36(1): 97-103
44.付括, 臧勇*, 郜志英. 轧制界面非稳态油膜润滑特性[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 35(9): 1324-1328
45.管奔, 臧勇, 秦勤,等. 大型H型钢BD轧机垂直承载系统力学行为及综合能力分析[C]// 中国冶金——“创新创意,青年先行”第七届中国金属学会青年学术会论文集. 2014.
46.臧勇, 穆磊, 吴迪平, 秦勤, 郜志英. 金属薄板滚压冲裁过程数值模拟及模具参数,yl23455永利官网学报,2013,(10):1360-1367
47.赵景云, 臧勇*, 尹德全. 孔型对H型钢开坯轧制成形的影响及优化,塑性工程学报,2013,(02):62-67
48.赵景云, 臧勇*, 吴迪平, 逄晓男, 刘福宁. H型钢万能轧制力计算方法, 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2013,(05):1829-1836
50.赵泽波, 臧勇*, 周昊, 于洋. 再结晶组织预测模型的缺陷及解决办法,热加工工艺,2013,(23):107-110
51.赵泽波, 臧勇*, 王婷婷, 周昊. 碳钢高温流变应力模型研究,北京工业大学学报,2013,(08):1149-1154
52.管奔, 臧勇*, 曲为壮, 吕智勇, 冯伟. 辊式矫直过程应力演变及其对反弯特性的影响,机械工程学报,2012,(02):81-86
53.管奔,臧勇*,逄晓男,吕智勇,刘福宁,冯伟. H型钢矫直过程残余应力演变机制研究,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2012,(05):122-128+135
54.管奔, 臧勇*, 逄晓男, 吕智勇, 曲为壮. 矫直过程截面复杂反弯的应力分布与反弯特性解析,中南大学学报(自然科学版),2012,(05):1739-1745
55.赵景云, 臧勇*. 轧制润滑对H型钢翼缘宽展的影响,重庆大学学报,2012, (10):24-29
56.管奔, 臧勇, 逄晓男, 吕智勇, 曲为壮. 矫直过程截面复杂反弯的应力分布与反弯特性解析[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2012,05:1739-1745.
57.管奔, 臧勇, 曲为壮. 矫直理论的研究发展现状与展望[J]. 机械设计与制造, 2012(08):271-273
58.臧勇, 范小彬, 王会刚. 基于信号时-频特征的轧机振动分析[J]. 振动.测试与诊断,2011,05:642-646+668.
59.Liu L, Zang Y. Hydrodynamic analysis of partial film lubrication in the cold rolling process[J].International journal of advanced manufacturing technology,2011(5):489-493
60.臧勇, 张新其, 谢志伟. 薄壁铜管游动芯头拉拔过程拉拔力影响因素分析[J]. 塑性工程学报,2010,03:143-147.
61.宋江腾, 臧勇, 崔福龙, 崔丽红. 非对称型材弯曲拉伸失稳及最小弯曲半径研究[J]. 机械强度,2010,02:275-279.
62.Sun Y, Zang Y. High precision modeling of welding and post welding cold rolling continuous process in numerical simulation[].Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2009-05-21
63.臧勇, 戴春发, 张占柱, 李立敏. 斜辊矫直大口径薄壁铜管断面畸变的仿真分析[J]. 塑性工程学报,2009,04:116-120.
64.王永涛, 臧勇, 吴迪平, 范小彬. CSP轧机振动的振源研究[J]. 振动、测试与诊断,2008,04:395-399+416.14.
65.崔丽红, 臧勇, 章博, 吴迪平, 秦勤, 王会刚. 多辊矫直过程中H型钢断面的应力演变规律[J]. yl23455永利官网学报,2008,08:942-946.
66.马光亭, 臧勇, 朱国明, 康永林. H型钢万能轧制过程中金属流动的有限元分析[J]. yl23455永利官网学报,2008,02:165-168.
67.范小彬, 臧勇, 吴迪平, 王永涛, 廖一凡, 黄志坚. CSP热连轧机振动问题[J]. 机械工程学报,2007,08:198-201.
68.范小彬, 臧勇, 王永涛, 廖一凡, 黄志坚. CSP轧机振动的测试与抑制[J]. 振动、测试与诊断,2007,02:156-158+174.
69.范小彬, 臧勇, 吴迪平, 王永涛. CSP轧机振动和振纹的试验研究[J]. 钢铁,2006,10:54-58.
70.臧勇, 王会刚, 崔福龙. 型钢辊式矫直压弯挠度的弹塑性解析[J]. 机械工程学报,2005,11:51-56.
71.韩丽琦, 臧勇, 邹家祥, 章博. 基于人工神经网络的热轧碳钢变形抗力预报[J]. yl23455永利官网学报,2001,02:131-133.
72.臧勇, 崔超. 弧形齿联轴器轮齿载荷分布研究[J]. 钢铁, 2000, 08: 51-55.
73.臧勇. 拉伸载荷作用下套管接头的特性分析[J]. yl23455永利官网学报,1997,S1:6-8+17.
74.臧勇, 潘小川. 油套管抗挤毁性能的初始后屈曲理论分析[J]. yl23455永利官网学报,1997,03:291-294.
75.臧勇, 孙浩. 非对称轧制过程的参数[J]. yl23455永利官网学报,1994,S2:33-38.